

James Reed has handled a very difficult situation for the freeholder and leaseholders in our building with tact, humour and painstaking attention to detail. I thoroughly recommend James Reed and SKPM for day to day management and tackling tricky situations

Richard Colley

Whilst most companies strive to emulate large business, SKPM provide a personal service, which simply can’t be rivalled. I can always reach James, who is always contactable and will know exactly what is happening.  Most importantly, tenants are able to contact the Director 24/7. SKPM have an effective team of contractors, who will attend at short notice seven days per week.

Mr Simon Dalton
Property Investor

James and Team have managed a family building for us for 10 years or so. We have entrusted all aspects of its running, letting and management and found all aspects of work to be carried out diligently. Maintenance is carried out regularly and at cost effective rates. When we do occasionally visit and meet the tenant’s,  they are all happy with the responsive service they receive. Thank you

John Coombe
Various Directorships

SKPM manage our building in Chelsea. Since taking over some 7 years ago they have overseen external refurbishments and day to day works. Everything is taken care of and the service provided is very proactive and personable. Over the years we have had, what we would term as traditional old fashioned service. You can always reach James seven days a week and they always have an ability to respond extremely quickly

Mrs Matthew

I take the opportunity express my sincere gratitude for all your support and help with the flat during these years in London. Personally my stay in B House has been incredibly nice, and in part it’s due also to you.

Fabio Bernasconi

James took over our building consisting of 16 Flats, various trees and parking in 2017.  Since then, SKPM have sorted all the historic accounting issues, put an entirely new roof on the whole building and carried out repair which were long overdue. 

There are quite a few elderly residents in the building who can write fairly long letters to James. I must say he keeps a good relationship with all. 

We are all content with the service SKPM provide.

T B Hargreave
Medical Consultant